
White Bread

1/2 cup melted margarine
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp salt
3 tbsp yeast
2 cups cold milk
4 cups hot water

**Enough flour to make dough (usually around 8 cups -- but varies)

Bake @ 400 for 30 minutes

The thing to remember when making this bread recipe is to know that the number of cups of liquid you have, that's how many loaves you will have. For example this recipe calls for 6 cups of liquid, so you know that you will come out with 6 loaves.

I had a love-hate relationship with this recipe for a lot of years. I loved eating it and it is my favorite kind of bread. But it was so hard for me to learn how to make. I felt like I could never get it right and I just messed it up all the time. I would always feel so bad that I just had to throw away and waste all those ingredients. The thing that bugged me the most is that my mom would never tell me how many cups of flour to use. She would just use flour until it was the right consistency. This just made me so mad. However, since my years of moving away from home and being on my own, I have finally mastered this recipe.. and the truth is, I have no idea how many cups of flour I use..

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