

4 eggs
3/4 cup of Margarine
2 tsp vanilla
** Cream this mixture together
2 cups of sugar
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup of cocoa
** Blend this together and then add to the creamy mixture
** If you really want to add a kick, I love to add small marshmallows and chocolate chips!!
Bake @350 for 30 minutes

Just a little story about these brownies. When I was little, I desperately wanted to learn how to bake. But I didn't want to follow a recipe. I wanted to create something on my own. I went through a phase that lasted about a month where I made some pretty nasty things! Nothing turned out good and I was getting pretty discouraged. Well my mom gave me the idea of using a recipe as my base and then adding things to make it my own. I thought this was a great idea. So the whole adding marshmallows and chocolate chips to this brownie recipe was my own creation when I was little. Hope you enjoy!

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