
Rice Pudding

use an 8 cup baking dish

1 cup of rice

3/4 cup of sugar

shake in as much cinnamon as you want.

add 5 cups of milk

stir it up so the sugar is dissolved.

Bake at 350 for about 2 hours.

sometimes I stir it abit while it is cooking so it does not get a scum on top.

When the rice is cooked - taste it - take out of the oven

add as many raisins as you want and let cool.

I add milk to help cool it quicker - sometimes about 2 or 3 cups depending how thick it is.

Rice pudding is a huge family favorite and one of my favorite things to come home and eat after school. When I was growing up, I loved seeing rice pudding on the stove when I got home. It makes for the best snack ever! I now make rice pudding all the time and it has turned into a good breakfast food for Jord and I.

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