
Flour Tortillas

4 C. flour 1 C. warm water
1 ½ tsp. baking powder 1/3 C. milk
1/2 Tbsp. salt 1/2 C. shortening

1. Mix dry ingredients in your KitchenAid mixer with the paddle.
2. Mix milk and water, and h eat to just below boiling.
3. Add milk/water mixture and shortening to flour mixture and knead with the dough hook in your KitchenAid mixer to a soft dough. Have your instructor check the dough to see if you have mixed it to the correct consistency.
4. Break into 20-24 balls. Let rest 10 minutes or more.
5. Slightly flatten each ball with the palm of your hands. Roll out with almost no flour on the board, but with flour on the roller. If you have a tortilla press, you may use that.

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