

2 c margarine (melt)
2 cans mushroom soup
*Mix together
1 heaping T poultry seasoning
1 scant T sage
2 t salt
1/2 t pepper
* Cook in saucepan on stove

In a big bowl:
bread crumbs + celery + onions

Pour in the bowl the mixture in the sauce pan

After all mixed, add enough water to make it stick

Bake in cake pan for about one hour @ 350-375

This stuffing is one of my most favorite foods in the entire world! I have so many memories of stuffing while growing up. All I ever wanted was stuffing. For one of my birthdays all I wanted was a turkey dinner so that I could have stuffing. So my mom invited all my family over and made a turkey dinner for everyone (little did I know how much work that was for her...)

Another memory I have is that I would always fight over the stuffing with my cousin Booker. He loves stuffing ALMOST as much as I do. So finally grandma just would make us our own bowls when we had stuffing.

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